We’re here to make sure you get the answers you need as fast as possible. Check out the different ways to get support below:
Help Center Support
Find step-by-step guides, helpful tips, and troubleshooting instructions in our Help Center. These articles cover common questions and issues and can often get you the solution you need in minutes.
🔗 Visit the Help Center Main Page
Chatbot Support
Our chatbot is available 24/7 to assist you. It can:
- Help troubleshoot issues.
- Answer your questions.
- Connect you to a human support agent if needed.
Start a chat now on the web for quick assistance. For more personalized support, open the app and go to Settings > Contact Us to start a chat there.
Live Agent Support
If your issue can’t be resolved through our chatbot, you can connect with a human support agent. Start a chat, and our team will step in to assist you.
Our agents are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays! We aim to reply to all inquiries within 24 hours, offering reliable and timely support.
Flex Consumer Complaints
If you have a significant issue or an unresolved concern, you can let us know by using the complaint form found in the Flex Consumer Complaints article.
We take your feedback seriously and are committed to addressing it promptly.
Why We Don’t Have a Phone Line
We don’t offer phone support because we want to save you from frustrating hold times. Instead, we focus on faster and more efficient ways to assist you:
- Chat with Us: Start an in-app conversation with our chatbot for quick, personalized support.
- Connect to a Live Agent: If needed, the chatbot can connect you to a human agent or help you submit an email ticket for resolution.
While you can’t call us directly, you can still speak to someone when you need help. Our chatbot and support team are available 24/7 to ensure you get assistance quickly and easily.