To pay your rent, you must successfully complete your 1st payment as indicated during sign-up and in your in-app schedule. If we attempt to process your 1st payment (includes a bill payment fee), and there are insufficient funds or the transaction is declined by your bank, we will promptly notify you of a service issue via email, SMS, or push notification. We'll ask you to ensure that the necessary funds for the payment become available.
There are a few things you can do:
- Update Your Payment Method: Follow the in-app prompts to update your payment method. This usually resolves issues where the previous payment method was invalid.
- Wait for Flex to Retry Payment: We will automatically retry the payment twice daily until 3pm ET on the 5th of the month. We recommend ensuring you have sufficient funds for your 1st payment plus the payment processing fee as soon as you're notified.
- Reattempt Your 1st Payment in the Flex App: If necessary, you can manually retry your 1st payment directly in the Flex app. Make sure to have enough funds for your 1st payment before reattempting.