To cancel your Flex membership, follow these simple steps:
- Open the Flex app.
- Go to Settings > Membership > Cancel membership, or you can directly access the cancel membership button.
- Follow the onscreen prompts to confirm you'd like to cancel your membership.
- Once confirmed, the app will promptly notify you that your membership has been successfully canceled.
If there's an outstanding balance remaining when you proceed to cancel, we may still attempt to collect that balance on the scheduled date.
Important Note: To avoid automatic rent payments, turn off rent autopay or cancel at least 2 days before the end of the month.
The images below show the location of the cancel button in the Flex app and the onscreen prompts you need to follow. Additionally, you can choose to turn off rent autopay (learn more about rent autopay being off). After canceling your membership, you will also receive an email notification.
Learn more about what happens to your account when you cancel it.