How To Cancel:
To cancel your Credit Builder membership, follow these steps:
- Open the Flex app.
- Go to Settings > Membership > Cancel membership, or you can use this link to directly access the cancel membership button.
- Follow the onscreen prompts to confirm you'd like to cancel your Credit Builder membership.
Once confirmed, the app will promptly notify you that your membership has been successfully canceled.
What Happens If I Cancel?
Here’s what happens to your Credit Builder account when you cancel your membership:
- Flex will not pay your rent bill and you will be responsible for paying rent yourself directly to your property.
- All payments and fees charged by Flex will cease upon cancellation.
- Flex will close your credit line, which could negatively affect your credit score.
Although your Credit Builder membership is canceled, you can still access the Flex app. However, if you wish to use Flex services again in the future, you must reapply.