Since your financial situation is constantly changing, we may review and update your credit line amount. This dynamic approach ensures that your credit line adapts as you use it, providing you with the most suitable credit line for your financial profile and circumstances. Updates to your credit line may increase or decrease it from the original amount provided.
Credit Line Increases
At the moment, you can't directly ask for a higher credit line, even if your rent amount goes up. However, we're actively developing features to enhance your flexibility in rent payments. This includes enabling eligible Flex members to request credit line increases and add new rent amounts. Keep an eye out for updates as we work to provide you with an even better experience.
Credit Line Decreases
If you consistently make timely payments to your Flex account, your Flex credit line amount will remain unaffected and won't be reduced. However, in situations where your account becomes overdue or lacks sufficient funds to cover your Flex payments, there's a possibility that your credit line amount may be decreased or access to your line of credit may be suspended.