We understand that unexpected financial situations can arise, and we're here to support you during such times. If you find yourself unable to pay off your balance by the deadline specified in our terms and conditions, we offer the option to set up a payment plan, which will allow you to gradually pay off your balance over an agreed-upon period of time.
It's also worth noting that setting up a payment plan and carrying over your balance to a future month will result in the suspension of your Line of Credit To keep your account active and maintain access to your Line of Credit, it's necessary to settle all balances in full by the deadline specified in our T&Cs.
The availability of a payment plan may vary for different accounts, but we'll do our best to accommodate your needs.
While your balance is being paid off and until your Flex account is canceled, the Flex monthly membership fee will continue to apply.
Breach of a payment plan agreement can result in a referral to Collections or a third-party collections agency.